"Pavitr Prabhakar" is an Indian version of Spider-Man, also known as "Indian Spider-Man." He is a fictional character created specifically for the Indian audience and was featured in a limited comic book series called "Spider-Man: India." The series was written by Jeevan J. Kang and Grant Morrison, with art by Jeevan J. Kang and Sharad Devarajan. It was published by Gotham Entertainment Group in collaboration with Marvel Comics.

Pavitr Prabhakar's character is based on the original Spider-Man, Peter Parker, but with a unique Indian twist. The story reimagines the origin of Spider-Man in an Indian context, with Pavitr Prabhakar as a young man living in Mumbai. Similar to Peter Parker, Pavitr gains spider-like abilities after being bitten by a mystical spider.

In the "Spider-Man: India" series, Pavitr faces various challenges and battles against local villains, including Nalin Oberoi (the Indian version of the Green Goblin) and other adversaries. The character retains some of the classic Spider-Man traits, such as a sense of responsibility, intelligence, and a desire to protect his loved ones and the innocent.

Although Pavitr Prabhakar is not as widely recognized as the original Spider-Man, his introduction in the "Spider-Man: India" series provided Indian readers with a unique and localized version of the beloved superhero. The character aimed to resonate with Indian audiences by incorporating cultural elements and references.

It's worth noting that my knowledge cutoff is in September 2021, so there may have been developments or adaptations of the character since then. I recommend exploring recent comic book releases or online sources to find the latest information on Pavitr Prabhakar or any updates related to the Indian Spider-Man character.
